Jadi ya sebenarnya ini projek iseng aja, soal kenapa namanya END-LAIN. Ya, kalo boleh jujur sih. Gw udah sering pake itu nama, in-game nickname, akun twitter dsb. Ok, sekarang arti dari END-LAIN itu apa sih kak kalo boleh tau. Gw jawab, END-LAIN itu sebenarnya terdiri dari 2 kata. ENDER dan LAIN. ENDER mengacu ke salah satu karakter di game Minecraft, Enderman. Sedangkan LAIN mengacu ke salah satu anime Serial Experiments Lain. Dan ya, situs ini masi dalam baru (baru bikin). Jadi, mohon pengertiannya ya.

So actually this is a "i-have-so-much-freetime" project, why i choose the END-LAIN as a site name. Yes, to be honest. I already use that name in another platform, like in-game nickname, twitter account etc. Ok, so what is the meaning of END-LAIN it is. Well, END-LAIN actually consists of 2 words. ENDER and LAIN. ENDER refers to the one of the characters in the Minecraft game, Enderman. And LAIN is refers to one of the anime titled Serial Experiments Lain. Well, this site is not complete enough so yeah.

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